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HiPP Combiotik in Romania

Wahl der richtigen Milch, Fläschchen-Zubereitung und vieles mehr!
Bianca MCB
18. Sep 2022 22:33
HiPP Combiotik in Romania
Hello my friends!
I raised my baby girl until now (1year and 1 month old) with milk Hipp Combiotik buyed from Germany because in Romania the same milk is same price but poor quality.
I want to ask mr Hipp if he will want to raise his child with Hipp Combiotik from Romania.
I do not understand why is less quality in Romania 🙄 less respect for babies from Romania or what?
Sorry, but i do not understand why is happening this.
Every baby shall enjoy the same quality, or the health of my baby because it was born in Romania is less important for Hipp? 😥
I am verry sad because of this attitude of Hipp products!!!!
I have asked the România represent for Hipp and they said that will ask the colegues from Austria... What is with that attitude???
I want to buy the same product in every country i go.
In Bulgary is the same problem like în Romania 😥😥😥
Is not fair!!!
19. Sep 2022 16:22
Re: HiPP Combiotik in Romania
Dear „Bianca MCB“,

we are sorry that you are unsettled. It is right to contact us directly.

Here we can directly reassure you:
Our HiPP products in different countries are similar - but not 1:1 the same. There may be country-specific differences. Nevertheless, the same high quality requirements are placed on every HiPP product - no matter where it is purchased and no matter where it is produced.

Our products in Romania ( https://www.hipp.ro/formule-de-lapte/pr ... 22%3A18%7D )are safe and optimally suited for feeding your baby.

All the best for you and your family!

Best regards
Your HiPP expert
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