Which formula milk to try

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30. Aug 2022 13:30
Which formula milk to try
My little girl is 8 weeks old and is suffering from colic. She is on breast milk and I want her to try some formula milk. I bought hipp ready to drink sample pack and she drank it. So we bought big pack of 800 g bio combiotic ones which my daughter is not liking it.
Can you please suggest which of your hipp milk we can give her as much of your samples are not available.
30. Aug 2022 14:05
Re: Which formula milk to try
Dear „Avni“,

there is indeed a difference in taste between the ready to drink formula ( HiPP PRE BIO COMBIOTIK® trinkfertig (6x200ml) | HiPP ) and the BIO COMBIOTIK PRE powder ( HiPP PRE BIO COMBIOTIK® (600g) | HiPP ). Therefore, some babies prefer one formula to the other.

If you want your daugther to get accustomed to the HiPP PRE BIO COMBIOTIK powder formula, just „practice“ with her, i.e. offer it repeatedly. She will get used to it after a while.

Maybe your husband or somebody else can offer the bottle instead? This way your baby does not automatically expect to be breastfed if she refuses the bottle.

Please also ask your midwife or paediatrician for advice should the colics get any worse.

Best regards,
HiPP Expert-Team
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